Extended abstract (2 pages) contributions are welcome. May 1 August 14 is the final deadline for extended abstracts. Please read the comments carefully and revise your paper accordingly. Please do not forget to verify that your manuscript is strictly according to ICNR2020 template (download here).
To submit the final version of your manuscript please log in at Easy Chair platform: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icnr2020
All contributions will be peer reviewed. Accepted contributions will appear in Conference Proceedings. Selected papers will be invited to Special Issues in Referred Journals. |
At least one author of the paper must be registered in order to upload the final paper. Full registrations entitle the registered author for a maximum of 2 papers*. If you are submitting more than two contributions you need to complete a new registration for 2 extra papers.
*Reduced registrations entitle the registered author for a maximum of 1 paper.
Authors must register before July 1 September 30. Otherwise, the paper will be excluded from conference program and proceedings.
Within June 15th September, 14 the type of presentations will be notified and the final program will be announced.
We thank you for your efforts and look forward to seeing you in October.