If your paper has been accepted for presentation in ICNR2020 Conference, please find below the steps you need to take now:
Oral presentations |
- Register to ICNR2020 before September, 30.
- Revise your manuscript based on the reviewer’s comments provided by mail and submit (via Easychair) the final, camera-ready version by September, 30. This submission should include the source file, either word or Latex and the pdf version. Please do not forget to verify that your manuscript is strictly according to ICNR2020 template (download here).
- Submit the recorded talk (Power Point presentation including voice and if possible, video of the presenter) to info@icnr2020.org by September, 30. The duration of the presentation should be max. 12 minutes. Please send the presentation as a .pptx file.
- Check the schedule of your session at the final program.
- Remember to be present during the session to be able to answer the questions of the audience after the talks. You will receive the credentials for connecting to the virtual platform 24 hours before the starting of the conference.
Poster presentations: |
- Register to ICNR2020 before September, 30.
- Revise your manuscript based on the reviewer’s comments provided by mail and submit (via Easychair) the final, camera-ready version by September, 30. This submission should include the source file, either word or Latex and the pdf version.Please do not forget to verify that your manuscript is strictly according to ICNR2020 template (download here).
- Submit the poster (png/jpg/pdf) file to info@icnr2020.org by September, 30. The required dimension for the poster is:
Size |
Weight/Height (mm) |
Weight/Height (inch) |
A0 |
841 x 1189 mm |
33,1 x 46,8 inches |
- Save the date: October 15 from 4pm to 7pm.
- Remember to be present during the poster session to be able to answer the questions of the audience about your poster. You will receive the credentials for connecting to the virtual platform 24 hours before the starting of the conference.